Inter-institutional cooperation
Permanent and close co-operation of the Information Commissioner with state administration bodies and other state bodies consists of various formal and informal forms of cooperation. The most intensive co-operation takes place on the implementation of measures and activities from individual national strategic documents, on providing expert assistance on to the public authorities upon their request, and particularly through co-operation on promotional and educational events.
Co-operation with the Croatian Parliament is regularly maintained with regard to submitting the annual report and dealing with citizens’ requests. Co-operation is also regularly established with other bodies, particularly regarding education and promotion activities: the Ministry of Public Administration, the Ministry of Justice, the Office for the NGO´S of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society, the Office of the National Security Council, the Personal Data Protection Agency and the State School for Public Administration. Collaboration with local and regional self-government units and their associations (Croatian County Association, Association of Cities and Association of Municipalities) was mainly carried out through organisation of educational activities, such as regional workshops within the framework of the ESF project “Strengthening the Capacities of Public Authorities, Associations, Media and Citizens for the Implementation of the Law on Access to Information”.
The Commissioner regularly participates in the work of the co-ordinating bodies for the development and implementation of strategic documents and accompanying action plans, as well as co-ordinating bodies and members (government bodies, other bodies, associations, academia. The most important among such coordinating bodies are the Anti-Corruption Council, the Open Government Partnership Initiative Council, the Coordination for the implementation of the Public Administration Development Strategy and the Coordinating Body for the Implementation of Open Data Policy. Within the aforementioned strategic documents and their action plans, the right to access information, the re-use of information and the public consultation have been identified as key tools for
achieving transparency and openness of public administration and administration, combating corruption, human rights protection and reforming and digitizing public administration.
International cooperation
European Commission’s Public Sector Information Group, the European Network of Information Commissioners, Open Government Partnership global initiative and a range of other international initiatives that provide a basis for exchange of experience and mutual assistance of related institutions represented by independent bodies for the protection of the right to access to information, particularly in order to improve the work and implementation of the Act.
Over the past years, the Commissioner has established bilateral international co-operation with a number of related institutions, which encompasses co-operation on projects, study visits, participation in conferences and roundtables, working meetings and other forms of exchange of experience on specific issues.
Cooperation with international bodies and associations, bodies and associations of other countries is also achieved through the maintenance of promotional activities and projects, in particular through the continuation of cooperation with the British Embassy, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the French Institute, as well as with international organizations to which the Commissioner provides information and answers to questionnaires and issues related to the legal framework and the implementation of the Access to Information Act and the Directive on the Use of Information, EU Bodies and International Associations (Transparency International, Open Knowledge International, Open Data for Development and others).