Bilateral cooperation
Bilateral Assistance Project of the British Embassy 2014-2016
In the period from 2014 to 2016, the Information Commissioner established close co-operation with the British Embassy in Croatia, which provided strong financial and professional support to the implementation of a series of activities through the project named "Strengthening the Capacity of the Information Commissioner". In 2014, the website of the Information Commissioner and promotional materials was produced, two conferences held, and a list of public authorities that are subject to the Right of Access to Information Act was created.
During 2015, the project on assessment and self-assessment in the implementation of the Act was completed. The project was aimed at ensuring a better implementation of the inspection supervision as well as improving the compliance of the proceedings of public authorities with the provisions of the Act. In addition, e-manuals on the right of access to information for information officers and citizens, media and civil society were created. In 2016 an English version of the website was launched. Also, web applications „Search Engine for Decisions and Opinions of the Information Commissioner and the High Administrative Court – TOM“ and the „List of Open Government Bodies“ were created and published in open format.
In the implementation of part of the projects, professional support was provided by Prof. Kevin Dunion, Information Commissioner for Scotland 2003-2012 as well as domestic experts, and the total amount of co-financing by the British Embassy was 217,577.57 kunas
Cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation 2016-2017
Within the framework of cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Commissioner realized two projects during 2016 and 2017. The project “Supporting the Application of the Right to Access to Information Act”, which was implemented in 2016, was aimed at improving and standardizing the public consultations. The project included drafting, publishing and distribution of the Guidelines on public consultation in the process of adopting regulations for public authorities and the preparation of leaflets for citizens and associations for the purpose of raising the level of knowledge and awareness on this form of ensuring
transparency and openness of public authorities. The project results were presented at the International Human Rights Day in December 2016.
In the course of 2017, the project “Re-use of Open Data” was realized, whose aim was to raise the level of knowledge and awareness of the potential of publicising the open data by the public authorities and their re-use in achieving transparent and responsible public authority, as well as to increase awareness on economic potential of open data. The cooperation was focused around the conference “Re-use of Information and Open Public Administration Information – Experiences from Germany and Croatia”, held on December 12, 2017 in Zagreb. The objective of the conference was to exchange experiences from Croatia and Germany on the re-use of data and to highlight the ideas and activities needed to overcome the obstacles and challenges that hinder the potential of the public sector information.
Cooperation with the French Institute 2016.
In 2016, cooperation with the French Institute and the French Embassy was started, which resulted in the holding of the Round Table “Open Data” on October 21, 2016, as well as support for the Open Data Academy on August 29 – September 2 in Pula attended by French experts and attendees. Cooperation continued in 2018, with the support of the Round Table on Open Data in Culture, which was held in Zagreb on November 7, 2018 under the “Digital Rendez-vous” Project.
OECD Sigma Technical Assistance 2014.
At the request of the Information Commissioner, and in order to strengthen its capacity, OECD Sigma developed an analysis named “Business Intelligence and Access to Information”.