“Strengthening the Capacity of Public Authorities, Associations, Media and Citizens to Implement the Law on Access to Information“

The Project of Information Commissioner is implemented within the European Social Fund, Priority Axis: Good Governance, Operational Program “Effective Human Resources” (2017-2018)

As part of the project financing of the European Social Fund, the Priority Axis “Good Governance” of the Operational Program “Effective Human Resources”, the project “Strengthening the Capacity of Public Authorities for the Implementation of the Law on Access to Information” was prepared, totaling HRK 599,922.0 with national co-financing of 15%. Project preparation started in 2015, and the project was implemented from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2018. The project´s goal is to contribute to strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders to access information – public authorities and users – associations, media, citizens – to apply the Law on Access to Information as effectively as possible and thereby contribute to the transparent, open and responsive work of government and public administration in the Republic of Croatia.
Project activities included the creation and publication of online educational video materials for public authorities and users; making video and audio spots for the public, as well as printed publications and flyers. Within the framework of the project a new, user-orientated website of the Information Commissioner was launched, 10 online education (webinars) on access to information were held, as well as 5 regional education on the application of the Law on Access to Information (in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek and Dubrovnik ), 6 workshops for users of the right of access to information “My right to information” (2 in Zagreb, 1 in Split, Rijeka, Osijek and Dubrovnik) and one international conference.