The right to access to information in special circumstances caused by COVID-19 and earthquake in Zagreb

Guidance of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Croatia Public authorities, in accordance with the instructions and measures at national, regional and local level related to the disease transmission route COVID-19, have adapted their business to the new circumstances. Although the COVID-19 virus pandemic and damage to buildings due to the Zagreb earthquake caused

2020-04-23T12:02:11+00:00April 18th, 2020|

ICIC Statement – Access to Information in the context of a global pandemic, 14 April 2020

The impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) brings unprecedented challenges for our society, both nationally and globally. Public authorities must make significant decisions that affect public health, civil liberties and people’s prosperity. The public’s right to access information about such decisions is vital. As a global community, we recognise that resources may be diverted away from usual

2020-04-18T22:17:44+00:00April 15th, 2020|

Croatian Parliament adopted the Report on the Implementation of the RAIA for 2018

During the session held on 14 June 2019,  the Croatian Parliament adopted (105 "yes" and 3 "no" votes) the Report on the Implementation of the Right to Access the Information Act for 2018., which was presented to members of parliament by the Information Commissioner  on 6  June 2019.

2019-07-02T06:40:30+00:00June 14th, 2019|

The report on the implementation of the Law on Access to Information for 2018 submitted to Croatian Parliament

Pursuant to the provisions of the Right to Access to Information Act, the Information Commissioner submitted to the Croatian Parliament the Report on the Implementation of the Right to Access Information Act for 2018. The report is based on the data collected from a total of 4.856 bodies of public authority, ie 84% of the

2019-04-08T08:32:07+00:00April 2nd, 2019|

The Law on Accessibility of Web Site and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies adopted by Croatian Parliament

For the purpose of aligning with EU Directive 2016/2102 on Accessibilty of Websites and Mobile Applications by Public Sector Bodies (OJ L 327/1, 2 December 2016), the Croatian Parliament adopted the Law on Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies, which regulates the application of accessibility requirements through four principles:

2019-04-11T06:55:27+00:00March 6th, 2019|

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Open Government Partnership for the period up to 2020. adopted by Croatian Government

The Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Open Government Partnership for the period up to 2020. at a session held on 20 December 2018. The new Action Plan envisages the implementation of 15 measures and 48 implementation activities that will be implemented by the end of

2019-04-08T09:47:04+00:00December 27th, 2018|

The study visit of the Delegation of Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information from Montenegro

Within the framework of the Twinning Light Project „Strenghtening the capacity of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information", between 10 and 14 December 2018 the study visit to Croatian institutions has been organised for the representatives of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information. The core objectives

2019-04-08T14:01:56+00:00December 17th, 2018|

European Data Portal: Annual Report on the Open Data in Europe

The European Data Portal has released an annual report on the state of open data in Europe, highlighting the importance of utilising public sector data as a strategic development value, providing a review of the situation in the EU 28+ states, providing examples of good practice and giving recommendations to member states for further strengthening

2019-04-08T14:08:57+00:00November 22nd, 2018|

The results and the closing of the “Strengthening the Capacities of Public Authorities, Associations, the media, and citizens for the Implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information” operation publicly presented

On October 22, 2018, at the ORIS House of Architecture in Zagreb, the results of the “Strengthening the Capacities of Public Authorities, Associations, the media, and citizens for the Implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information” operation were presented and the operation was adjourned. Held between October 2017

2018-11-13T13:37:23+00:00October 22nd, 2018|
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